So 2 weeks before Halloween the word spread, people showed interest and we started planning a big party.
We had the location set, we had people coming, we had decorations ready and most of our costumes were well thought out.
2 days before the big party we got the notification that we couldn't rent the house for the party after all. Crap.
After some brainstorming we decided to throw the party in a friends parents boathouse!
Problem would be: cold and no toilet.
BUT as "møringa" it shouldn't be a problem :)
After work we all headed out there to check it out and start planning.
It was sooooo cold! Our friends dad (the owner of the boathouse) had bought an electric-propane-oven thingy to keep warm, but us girls was afraid to burn the whole thing down, so we stuck out with it. We had a little meeting and decided to come back the next day and start decorating and stuff.
The next day after work we all headed back to the boathouse with our cars loaded with garden furniture and chairs, decorations and ideas.
We learned how to use the oven so it wasn't as cold that evening.
It looked awesome by the end of the night with balloons, spiderwebs and spiders (fake of course), candles and skeletons, tables and chairs.. And a boomblaster!
We were ready for the party!
I went home really tired. I had a headache, I was hungry and did I mention tired?
I put on a film, but I ended up falling asleep at the beginning of it.
Then I woke up today feeling like crap.
Spent most of the day in bed or at the computer hoping to get better, but no.
As it got later, brother came home from work wondering how I felt. I still felt crap, so I had to send a text to my girls telling them I wouldn't make it tonight. Which was also crap because I was really looking forward to this party, and after all this planning and stuff..
What I ended up doing tonight was to style my brother.
He hadn't had any time to plan his outfit or anything, but he had decided he wanted to be a modern devil. Haha, but he had no horns, no tail, no nothing really.
We were going out for a smoke, then suddently he was gone. 2 minutes later he came back with two tiny sticks he was going to use as horns (after some modification ofc).
I said he could just use two adhesive plaster, as if he had broken or filed down his horns and was trying to hide them or something, but brother was set on those two sticks!
After a while he came into my room to show off those sticks, it wasn't such a terrible idea to be honest.
We got them on using those plaster-thingies, they didn't stick very well, but it looked cool.
Got him dressed up in a fancy suit and I did some make-up on him. As a tail he used some curtain-thingies, the kind one uses to pull the curtains to the side and so they stay. Sort of.. Hehe
He was good to go!
I gave him and a friend a lift to the party. I joined inside to say hello and take a look, and it looked so great! I wish I wasn't sick so that I could have joined them.
I hope they are all having an awesome time tonight and that I will get to see many (drunken) pictures tomorrow! ;)
Happy Halloween!

Yes, this is my brother all dressed up, btw :)
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