Saturday 6 June 2009

My Casper

13 years ago I brought home the most adorable little, white kitten.
I told my parents that I would do anything if they would let me keep him.
They agreed.

I named him Casper.
It was my very first pet.

I still remember those big eyes of his everytime I made him take a bath.
And what a furball he became when I dried him!
But I never let the water be too hot, and I always kept him warm when I was drying him so that he wouldn't catch a cold.

I remember when I took him for his first tobogganing.
I held on to him for dear life, but he managed to jump off just before we turned the corner.
I was only 8 then.

Casper used to walk me to school, always a few steps behind me though.
One day, he stayed to follow me home. Just that day.

Whenever my parents were vacuuming, Casper would run.
I used to pick him up and hold him before they started vacuuming, and we would hide behind the couch.
The noise was still there, but he couldn't see it and he would be safe.

I was always so proud that Casper knew how to climb a latter.
And I was impressed the way he jumped off the terrace.
We did that a few times aswell, but we got hurt.

As Casper turned older, he no longer liked to be bathed.
But what he loved was to be stroked with a wet washcloth and be comed.

Me and Casper always had this thing.
If he had been bad and I yelled at him, he would ignore me and I would be a little upset.
But if I waited an hour he would have almost forgotten and he'd give me an eskimo kiss (nose to nose).

He always used to get dirty from walking under cars and busses.
We called him our little mechanic.

Even though Casper was neutered, he was still King of the neighbourhood.
He even outlived many cats in the neighbourhood.

And everytime he would get in a fight when I was near, I'd come up behind Casper, growling and meowing and the other cat would flee, and Casper would come in for a snack and a nap.

Polyphonic ringtones. Casper used to get soooooo cuddly whenever I played a ringtone off my phone. The higher the note, the more cuddles.

To me, Casper wasn't just a cat.
He was there for me, watching me grow up from I was 8 to 21.
I always found support in him, even though he just gave me a cuddle when I had tears running down my face.
But sometimes, that was all I needed.

I love you and I miss you.
May there be angels watching over you.
Forever in my heart, forever my Casper ♥

Thursday 14 May 2009

You know you've played too much CS when..

  1. You look at the sun and wonders what resolution it has.
  2. You are addicted to Coca-Cola.
  3. Your boss catches you sleeping at work and you yell "Admin... wallhack!".
  4. You're automatically looking out for snipers when you (on a rare occasion) go to the store (to buy more cola).
  5. You get pulled over by the cops and you ask for your stats.
  6. You give your doctor your IP-address instead of your social security number.
  7. Your kids first words are "Go go go!".
  8. You have tried to teach people to type 1337 (leet).
  9. You constantly hear voices in your head saying "Fire in the hole" and "Affirmative".
  10. You command your pet by saying "Hold this position" instead of "sit", "lay down" etc.
  11. You yell "TEAMS!!" when someone won't co-operate.
  12. You start to lag whenever you are surrounded by more than 10 people.
  13. You are convinced that the Rambo-movies are in "easy-mode".
  14. You are sprinting through the store since you have only 5 seconds buytime.
  15. You call all your friends only by nicknames.
  16. You're watching a movie with a sniper in it and you yell "AWP whore!".
  17. There is no other food but pizza and cola.
  18. Your mum tells you to clean, and you clean up your C: drive.
  19. Your teacher/boss enters the room and you say; "enemy spotted".
  20. You pull out a knife to run faster.
  21. You think your neighbour is a terrorist.
  22. A girl/boy asks for your phonenumber and you give her/him your wonID.
  23. When someone visits you and opens your curtains so the sun shines in, you yell "F***ING TEAMFLASH!"

©Copyright Liz (2009)! :D

(I did not create this list, I don't know who did, I just translated it to English. It's ancient now, but it still makes me lol^^
May also appeal to several other games aswell as Counter-Strike, I think!)

Also, check out these videos here, I love them -especially the first one :D

Sunday 10 May 2009

Monochrome Sunday

I got bored today, so I went for a drive.
Since I had my camera with me, I decided to take some pics while I was out anyway, and here's the result :)





Little sheep



My Mia welcoming me home :)

..and Casper waiting on the stairs :)

Monday 23 March 2009


Saturday evening I got to join for Naxxramas (10 man)!
It was brilliant!

And yeah.. I’m proud, so here’s a screenshot of Sapphiron before the fight :D

..And another one from combat!

(my UI is very messed up, so I did a Alt+Z so it wouldn't show)

Fierce dragon, I like him!

Saturday 21 March 2009

The Crisis

When I turned 20, I was warned about the crisis.
Twenty is the new thirty, she said.

When I turned 20 there would be more worries.
I would start worrying about what I had done and what I would do with my life.
There would be more pleasures.
I was finally old enough to buy booze!

Last week I turned 21.
I still don't know what to do about my life.
..but I am now old enough to drink booze in America!!

I still haven't really celebrated it. Dad is proud of me, says that I am finally taking responsibility. Ew.

I think I have finally figured out what to do with my life, but.. How to get started?
Do I cross my fingers until autumn comes and hope I have been accepted to school?
Do I go about my everyday like I have?
That, I haven't figured out yet, so I do both.

People say that we should start using the anti-wrinkle creams already at 20 because that's when the wrinkles start appearing slightly.

We're told we shouldn't dress like 14-year olds, we should dress more appropriately.
It's just..
I dressed as a 14-year old when I was 14.
And these days the 14-year olds dress like the modern 30-year olds.
So, I guess we have to dress somewhere in the middle?

I dressed like an auntie on my 21st birthday, in my opinion.
Still people guess my age at 19, so I guess the anti-wrinkle creams can wait.
I'll go out sometime soon, get drunk and say "I'm celebrating my 21st!".
I'll keep my fingers crossed for school.

That should solve the crisis for now, I think :)

Friday 6 March 2009

So, I got this idea..

When I was 15 I really wanted it, but I was too young.
When I was finally old enough, my boyfriend at the time wouldn't let me.

Now I am in the middle of my 20-year crisis (it's the new 30's in case you haven't heard) and I really think I want to give it a go.

I want to work at sea. On a boat.

I have no idea if I will like it, but I really want to give it a go.

New job.. New people.. New experiences.. New places.. Money!

Gonna discuss this with my brother this weekend and see what he says.
He's experienced in this area, so I think he might have a few wise things to say :)

I can totally picture it! Can you?

Thursday 5 March 2009

A Lesson Learned In Life

Almost every day we learn something new.
Some things are worth taking with us further. Some things we forget straight away.
Some things we learn the hard way.
Some things we are grateful for.
Some things we wish we had never learned.

It could be anything from;
learning that beer, wine and tequila = bad,
learning that teachers don't like you filling out tests with that pink pen you loved so much..

What have I learned in my (almost) 21 years then?

  • I have learned that if you shake your fizzy drink.. Well, don't we all know that one?
  • I have also learned from experience that beer, wine and tequila don't match very well on the same night.
  • I have learned that you can't trust everyone, but they all deserve a chance.
  • I have learned that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you didn't do.
  • I have learned that no matter how you twist it or turn it, friends are and always will be, the most important thing in your life!
But it isn't always that easy to remember.

Treasure what you've got, don't be afraid to take a leap, and don't ever let anyone make your decisions for you.
Keep living, keep learning! :)

Don't look like he remembered what happens when you shake
a bottle of fizzy stuffs right before drinking it..