I told my parents that I would do anything if they would let me keep him.
They agreed.
I named him Casper.
It was my very first pet.
I still remember those big eyes of his everytime I made him take a bath.
And what a furball he became when I dried him!
But I never let the water be too hot, and I always kept him warm when I was drying him so that he wouldn't catch a cold.
I remember when I took him for his first tobogganing.
I held on to him for dear life, but he managed to jump off just before we turned the corner.
I was only 8 then.
Casper used to walk me to school, always a few steps behind me though.
One day, he stayed to follow me home. Just that day.
Whenever my parents were vacuuming, Casper would run.
I used to pick him up and hold him before they started vacuuming, and we would hide behind the couch.
The noise was still there, but he couldn't see it and he would be safe.
I was always so proud that Casper knew how to climb a latter.
And I was impressed the way he jumped off the terrace.
We did that a few times aswell, but we got hurt.
As Casper turned older, he no longer liked to be bathed.
But what he loved was to be stroked with a wet washcloth and be comed.
Me and Casper always had this thing.
If he had been bad and I yelled at him, he would ignore me and I would be a little upset.
But if I waited an hour he would have almost forgotten and he'd give me an eskimo kiss (nose to nose).
He always used to get dirty from walking under cars and busses.
We called him our little mechanic.
Even though Casper was neutered, he was still King of the neighbourhood.
He even outlived many cats in the neighbourhood.
And everytime he would get in a fight when I was near, I'd come up behind Casper, growling and meowing and the other cat would flee, and Casper would come in for a snack and a nap.
Polyphonic ringtones. Casper used to get soooooo cuddly whenever I played a ringtone off my phone. The higher the note, the more cuddles.
To me, Casper wasn't just a cat.
He was there for me, watching me grow up from I was 8 to 21.
I always found support in him, even though he just gave me a cuddle when I had tears running down my face.
But sometimes, that was all I needed.

I love you and I miss you.
May there be angels watching over you.
Forever in my heart, forever my Casper ♥