- You look at the sun and wonders what resolution it has.
- You are addicted to Coca-Cola.
- Your boss catches you sleeping at work and you yell "Admin... wallhack!".
- You're automatically looking out for snipers when you (on a rare occasion) go to the store (to buy more cola).
- You get pulled over by the cops and you ask for your stats.
- You give your doctor your IP-address instead of your social security number.
- Your kids first words are "Go go go!".
- You have tried to teach people to type 1337 (leet).
- You constantly hear voices in your head saying "Fire in the hole" and "Affirmative".
- You command your pet by saying "Hold this position" instead of "sit", "lay down" etc.
- You yell "TEAMS!!" when someone won't co-operate.
- You start to lag whenever you are surrounded by more than 10 people.
- You are convinced that the Rambo-movies are in "easy-mode".
- You are sprinting through the store since you have only 5 seconds buytime.
- You call all your friends only by nicknames.
- You're watching a movie with a sniper in it and you yell "AWP whore!".
- There is no other food but pizza and cola.
- Your mum tells you to clean, and you clean up your C: drive.
- Your teacher/boss enters the room and you say; "enemy spotted".
- You pull out a knife to run faster.
- You think your neighbour is a terrorist.
- A girl/boy asks for your phonenumber and you give her/him your wonID.
- When someone visits you and opens your curtains so the sun shines in, you yell "F***ING TEAMFLASH!"

©Copyright Liz (2009)! :D
(I did not create this list, I don't know who did, I just translated it to English. It's ancient now, but it still makes me lol^^
May also appeal to several other games aswell as Counter-Strike, I think!)
Also, check out these videos here, I love them -especially the first one :D